Wilson, A.*, Bressler, R.D.*, Ivanovich, C., Tuholske., Raymond, C., Horton, R., Sobel, A., Kinney, P., Cavazos, T., & Shrader, J. (December 6, 2024). Heat disproportionally kills young people: Evidence from wet-bulb temperature in Mexico. (*equal contribution).  Science Advances. Coverage in 133 news outlets including NYTimes, AP, NPR.

Bressler, R. D. (2021). The mortality cost of carbonNature Communications12(1), 1-12. 247 citations as of 11/13/2024 Coverage in 228 news outlets including New York Times, NPR, Scientific American, Vox. 1st of 1,735 in Nature Communications Altmetric Score. Cited in Supreme Court Case West Virginia Vs. EPA (2022). 2021 Top 25 Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences Articles. Best Paper by a Graduate Student awarded by the Oxford University Global Priorities Institute. Weather Channel Interview.

Bressler, R. D., Moore, F. C., Rennert, K., & Anthoff, D. (2021). Estimates of country level temperature-related mortality damage functions. Scientific Reports-Nature11(1), 1-10. 35 citations as of 9/29/2024. Coverage in MIT Technology Review, The Conversation, The Guardian, Yale Climate Connections. 96th percentile in Scientific Reports Altmetric Score. Editor’s Choice.

Bryant, A., Lewy, J., Bressler, R.D., Chopra, Z., Gyori, D., Bazzell, G., Moeller, J., Jacobson, S.,A. Fendrick, A.M., Kerr, E., Ramnath, N., Green, M., Hofer, T., & Strohbehn, G. (2024). The Lancet Oncology. Projected environmental and public health benefits of extended-interval dosing: an analysis of pembrolizumab use in a US national health system. 118 news mentions including NPR.

Sharma, S., Bressler, R. D., Bhopal, A., & Norheim, O. F. (2022). The global temperature-related mortality impact of earlier decarbonization for the Australian health sector and economy: A modelling studyPloS one17(8), e0271550.

Bressler, R. D. (2023). The Science and Challenges of Sustainability. In Sustainability: Investment and Business Implications, edited by Alexander Preker and Diane-Charlotte Simon, World Scientific Publishing.

Revise and resubmit working papers

Bressler, R.D., Shimberg, N., Rennels, L., Errickson, F., Parthum, B., Smith, D., & Anthoff, D. Large Disproportionate Mortality Impacts on the Global Poor Drive a Higher Income Weighted Social Cost of CO2. R&R at Nature.

Bressler, R. D., Trager, R. F., & Dafoe, A. The Offense-Defense Balance and The Costs of Anarchy: When Welfare Improves Under Offensive Advantage. R&R at International Studies Quarterly.

Stawasz, A., Bressler, R.D (2024). Population Ethics: An Unavoidable New Frontier for Benefit-Cost Analysis. R&R at Ecological Economics.


Bressler, R. D., & Heal, G. (2022). Valuing Excess Deaths Caused by Climate Change (No. w30648). National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). Coverage in Vox. Latest version. Latest version (updated March 2023).

Bressler, R.D., Shimberg, N., & Gillingham, K. The Phantom Dismal Theorem: How Discounting and Mortality Valuation Interaction Can Cause Infinite Valuation of Future Lives.

Bressler, R.D. Breaking Down the Mortality and Social Cost of Carbon (JMP).


The Distributional Mortality Impact of Heat: Evidence from the United States, Brazil, and Mexico with Jonathan Colmer, Jeff Shrader, John Voorheis, and Andrew Wilson.

Limits to Adaptation: Evidence from Wet-Bulb Temperature Exposure with Jeff Shrader and Andrew Wilson.

Quantifying Temperature-Related Climate Deaths Caused by Countries Failing to Meet Nationally Determined Contributions with Yann Robiou du Pont.

A Multilateral Game-Theoretical Analysis of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty with Scott Barrett

Maintaining the domestic food supply chain in future pandemics with Naomi Shimberg and Laura Tiehen.

Other Selected publications and writing

Peer Reviewed

Bressler, R. D., Alstott, J. (2023). The Intergovernmental Panel on Global Catastrophic Risks: A Proposal for a New International Organization. Proceedings of the Stanford Existential Risks Conference.

Bressler, R.D. (2021). Statistically Identifying the NPT’s Effect on Nuclear Proliferation: Is it a Fundamentally Unidentified Question?. CSIS Next Generation Nuclear Network.

Bressler, R.D. (2021). Has the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Limited The Spread of Nuclear Weapons? Evaluating the Arguments. CSIS Next Generation Nuclear Network.

Non-Peer Reviewed

Public Comment on U.S. Office of Management and Budget Modernizing Benefit-Cost Analysis.” June 6, 2023.

Public Comment on the EPA External Review Draft of Report on the Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases: Estimates Incorporating Recent Scientific Advances” with Geoffrey Heal. February 13th, 2023.

Designer bugs: how the next pandemic might come from a lab” with Chris Bakerlee. Vox. December 6, 2018.

“Escaping the Malthusian Trap.” Sense and Sustainability. November 8, 2016.

The Problem with Brexit: 21st Century Challenges Require International Cooperation.” The Future of Life Institute. July 1, 2016.

Non-Authored Papers I supported with Research Assistance

Porter, Michael E., and James E. Heppelmann. “A manager’s guide to augmented reality.” Harvard Business Review 95.6 (2017): 45-57.

Porter, Michael E., and James E. Heppelmann. “How smart, connected products are transforming companies.” Harvard Business Review 93.10 (2015): 96-114.